Find us on Google+ sophielouisew_: a quick update + a week of instagram photos #2

Sunday 30 September 2012

a quick update + a week of instagram photos #2

Hello girls (and guys, if any of you read this!)
Just a quick update from my last post - I'll be taking a break from the blog for a couple of weeks at least. I moved back to uni yesterday so I'm going to give myself a couple of weeks to settle back in and find a new routine again. The house is gorgeous and makes halls from last year feel like some kind of slum! It's my birthday on Wednesday (20 - so old!) so I might have a sneaky post in the week to share some of the goodies, but for now here's my last week in the form of Instagram photos!

oo1 - first mince pies of the year // oo2 - more mince pies... // oo3 - someone in BHS was clearly not a fan of Harry Styles // oo4 - kitten in a basket! // oo5 - far too many belts! // oo6 - and far too many pens... // oo7 - and far too much one direction stationery... // oo8 - hot chocolate! // oo9 - everything packed for uni! // o10 - new ring from @ilovekukee (twitter) // o11 - lush birthday cake the girls had made me for when I got back to uni! // o12 - the lovely picture Rosie left for me on my door... // o13 - first lot of pictures up! // o14 - and the second... // o15 - all done! // o16 - colour coded all the new keys!


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